Spring Flings

  • The Floor of Heaven by Howard Blum
  • An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin
  • The Devil She Knows by Bill Loehfelm
  • Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante
  • The Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (book club read)
  • Death of a Pinehurst Princess by Steve Bouser
  • Still Life by Louise Penny
  • Looking at Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gilmore
  • Cannery Row by John Steinbeck (book club read)
  • Trap Line by Carl Hiaasen
  • Killer Stuff and Tons of Money by Maureen Stanton

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We are here!

When I woke up this morning it was 49 degrees out.
Here is the view from our backyard.

It has been quite a week. Saturday we started loading the trailer at
6 AM. I must have made 75 trips up and down the stairs carrying boxes. After the trailer was full, hubby turned around and said "The trailer needs new tires". Why did he wait until then? It had been sitting in the garage for 8 months. After a quick call to Tire Kingdom we were off. The great folks at Tire Kingdom had the new tires on before we had even finished our
breakfast at the Sandalfoot Deli. They even did it fully loaded. Then we headed across the parking lot to pick up the Penske truck.

By then Andrew and Nadia were awake and Chad came over to help. It took 5 hours to load up all of the furniture and the boxes that wouldn't fit in the trailer.

The most relaxing part of the day was the 4 hour drive to Daytona Beach! We got there about 8 PM. Andrew and Nadia
arrived 3 hours later. We slept on air beds.

Sunday we woke up and traveled to Kissimmee to visit with my family. My dad, who is 84 years old, has recently found out he needs triple by-pass surgery. We will know more this week
after he sees the surgeon. It looks like I will be heading back to Florida a lot sooner than planned. It was great seeing my mom, sister and brother-in-law. We haven't seen them since Christmas.

We arrived in Jefferson Tuesday night after a 10 hour car ride. The dog was sure happy to get out of the car.

Wednesday I went to Blowing Rock with the kids for a little sight seeing. Blowing Rock is only 3 square miles with over 100 shops, two dozen restaurants and 20 hotels and inns. Many of the shops feature home crafted items such as candles, jewelry, furniture and textiles. It is a great way to spend the afternoon. Follow it up with a stop at Kilwens for an ice cream cone. The town was just named the "Prettiest Small Town in North Carolina".

I need to get back to unpacking.

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