Spring Flings

  • The Floor of Heaven by Howard Blum
  • An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin
  • The Devil She Knows by Bill Loehfelm
  • Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante
  • The Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (book club read)
  • Death of a Pinehurst Princess by Steve Bouser
  • Still Life by Louise Penny
  • Looking at Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gilmore
  • Cannery Row by John Steinbeck (book club read)
  • Trap Line by Carl Hiaasen
  • Killer Stuff and Tons of Money by Maureen Stanton

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ashe County Quilt Fair

I sent my application and $5.00 to the Ashe County Piecmakers Quilt Guild to enter my quilt in the Ashe County Quilt Fair.  The money was for a professional judge to look at my quilt and give feedback.  I was a little nervous over this since it is my first quilt and I  know of the many mistakes it contains.

Hubby and I went downtown to the Fair and my quilt was the first one we saw after coming in the front door.  It was hanging alongside three other quilts in its category and it had a white ribbon.  I came in third out of four quilts!

Here kitty kitty

On that note, we meandered around the large open area of hanging quilts with our clipboards.  Each person is asked to judge their favorite quilt in different categories.  Here are some of our favorites:
This one has all different sized squares
Great appliques
Best in Show  This one is all hand sewn.
A different snowman for each month
Terrific colors

After the show I picked up my quilt and the judge's assessment.  He liked the fabric choices, but thought I could should do more background quilting and cut my threads a little closer.  I was happy with my third place ribbon and can't wait for next year.  I am thinking yo-yos.

All appliqued

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