Spring Flings

  • The Floor of Heaven by Howard Blum
  • An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin
  • The Devil She Knows by Bill Loehfelm
  • Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante
  • The Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (book club read)
  • Death of a Pinehurst Princess by Steve Bouser
  • Still Life by Louise Penny
  • Looking at Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gilmore
  • Cannery Row by John Steinbeck (book club read)
  • Trap Line by Carl Hiaasen
  • Killer Stuff and Tons of Money by Maureen Stanton

Monday, December 5, 2011

Children's Christmas Project

One thousand children. One thousand Ashe County children who might not be opening presents on Christmas morning unless someone steps in and helps. 25 years ago the Children's Christmas Project was established to bring joy to children living below the poverty level.  The goal this year is to serve 1000 children, which is a lot of needy kids considering there are only 25,000 people living in the entire county.  

I chose to buy gifts for a three year old girl. I love buying pink clothes, dolls, hair accessories, and toys.  Hubby and I went shopping and bought everything on that little girls wish list and then some. 

Our neighborhood's women's group signed up to help wrap all those gifts for those 1,000 kids.

I had some left-over candied fruit and made some biscotti's to bring along.  This was my first time with biscotti and they are a little tricky.  More on them another day.

We met at 12 noon for four hours of wrapping.  What a system they had going.  As people brought in their gifts, they were checked off a list and put into a large plastic bag. Then one of the wrappers would empty the bag, wrap away, and put everything back into the back and tape it up.  The gifts were then checked off another list and carried away to the back room.

By 1:30 I was ready to go home.  My back was starting to hurt and I was getting tired.  By 3:00 everyone had a backache and wanted to go home.  As we took the bags and wrapped, the pile did not go down.  More and more gifts kept coming.  So far, they had only gotten about half of the gifts in.  Luckily, more groups had volunteered to come in during the coming days to finish up.

We all went home tired that day, but with big smiles on our faces.  There is nothing like helping others to put you into the holiday spirit.

Santa's helpers:

The never-ending pile
 of unwrapped gifts

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