Spring Flings

  • The Floor of Heaven by Howard Blum
  • An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin
  • The Devil She Knows by Bill Loehfelm
  • Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante
  • The Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (book club read)
  • Death of a Pinehurst Princess by Steve Bouser
  • Still Life by Louise Penny
  • Looking at Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gilmore
  • Cannery Row by John Steinbeck (book club read)
  • Trap Line by Carl Hiaasen
  • Killer Stuff and Tons of Money by Maureen Stanton

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pot of Gold

All afternoon it had looked like rain.  When we sat down for our dinner of corned beef, cabbage and potatoes it finally started.  Our son looked out the back window and announced there was a rainbow.  I jumped up and grabbed the camera.  Sure enough there was a huge rainbow in the valley behind our house.  You could even see the end of it.

I stepped out into the rain to snap a photo and saw that it was a double rainbow!

If you look closely you can see the leprechaun's pot of gold in the cow pasture.

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